Google, Facebook and Twitter Do Not Just Have Staff Bias, They Run An Executive Level Plot To Rig Politics For Their Investors Crony Capitalist Payola

By Sam Hoft

If you are a Democrat, then you may think that you should not care about Silicon Valley's political manipulations. You could not be more wrong.

The bosses of these companies will deny, lie, obfuscate and run cover-ups in order to protect their secret.

James Woods: Letter From a Twitterham Jail

 by Kristinn Taylor September 23, 2018 105 Comments

Conservative actor James Woods was put in Twitter jail last week over his posting of a meme back in July that mocked beta male Democrats. Twitter is demanding he delete the tweet to get reinstated, which Woods refuses, on the grounds of Free Speech, to do. Twitter claims the meme “includes text and imagery that has the potential to be misleading in a way that could impact an election.”

James Woods with Sara Miller at the Writers Guild Awards West Coast, February 19, 2017, image via YouTube.


On Saturday Woods’ friend and acting spokeswoman on Twitter, Sara Miller, posted a letter by Woods from the Twitterham jail., For those asking, Jimmy sent out this email to his friends today. He hasn’t made any press statements, this expresses his feelings on the matter. #FreeJamesWoods @RealJamesWoods

For those asking, Jimmy sent out this email to his friends today. He hasn’t made any press statements, this expresses his feelings on the matter. #FreeJamesWoods

— Sara Miller (@Millerita) September 23, 2018

Woods closed his letter with this message:

“The reason I’m sending this to you is that, liberal or conservative, I know every single one of you agrees that this muzzle on free speech is a cancer that, if allowed to metastasize, will destroy this nation and everything it stands for.”

Full text of Woods’ letter and image below.

First let me say how much I cherish each of you to whom this email is addressed. It saddens me that more people can’t be like us – politically diverse, yet friends and defenders of each other’s beliefs and opinions. That to me is what America is fundamentally about. It is also about a standard of ethics and human values that we all embrace and promote in our daily affairs. I love you all and I admire you for that and for who you are as people and artists and citizens of the world. I mean this with all sincerity. Today I am not in the mood for jokes.

The facts are that I was banned from Twitter yesterday because of an anonymous complaint referencing a tweet I posted in July (yes, the Stasi mentality lives on in the Twittersphere, it seems). Henceforth my 1.7 million followers will no longer hear my views. The purge of conservatives continues unabated on social media (and yes, it was because I posted a sarcastic remark about Democrats).

The offending tweet was included in the email from Twitter Support. It is attached below for your reference.

The good news, I guess, is that liberals (Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s CEO, is an unabashed ultra liberal) are now closer to their nirvana of a world without criticism or opposition.

The bad news is they will inevitably be next.

The reason I’m sending this to you is that, liberal or conservative, I know every single one of you agrees that this muzzle on free speech is a cancer that, if allowed to metastasize, will destroy this nation and everything it stands for.

Please feel free to share this email.

Here is the offending tweet:

Notice to Woods from Twitter suspending his account:

Hello: We received a report about one of your tweets which includes text and imagery that has the potential to be misleading in a way that could impact an election.

In order to use your account again you will need to log in and delete the tweet.



Woods’ Twitter account is still online, but inactive since September 20.